Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Moments In Time

                        Moments In Time
                    I was fairly terrified on my first day. I had no interest in studying at all but as days goes by, I learned how to listen because I realized the worth of Education. With the help of our dear teachers, I gained enough knowledge which is a great help in my whole existence. attending classes all day, five days a week mold me into a more responsible student. I learned lots of lessons a day and it opened my mind in many things or matters I really don't know before. I discovered almost everything in life, I learned the easiest way in searching through the use of Google, I learned how to express myself freely because of the Blog Account which I considered my online diary and many other more learnings. I was probably a lot more disciplined student because of the activities, assignments and projects required to be passed on time.
                   Being a student is not that easy, challenges are always testing our patience. Me, as a regular student really experienced lots of battles in school. in the first week of school, I deeply experience nervousness, because I was promoted from the third highest section, Aludig to the first highest section, Rizal and it was not easy for me to adjust because I now have a new classmates and definitely my new world. I was worried about making friends. Lots of assignments really bothered me and always make my life harder and harder. Reviewing whenever we take a test causes me to think of giving up but I felt I needed to prove myself to everyone that I deserve the promotion and that I could do it. I also encountered problems in our projects especially in times when I'm rushing, I don't know what to do and I don't know where to start in times like this. But I know that in every challenges or problems I encountered, there will be always a solution as long as we don't stop believing in God.
                 "In every problem, there will be always a solution". I know that we can always find a solution in every challenges when we know how to face it. I address my challenges by being a responsible student. i will always find time for reviewing, making projects and assignments. i will use my time for important matters only so that I will be able to finished what should be finished. I will focus on studying and I will put up in my mind that I don't believe in giving up and God is always there beside me to help in times of need.
                 Moving on. I will improve myself to fulfill my ambitions in life. I will be more responsible student for my success.

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