Monday, December 22, 2014

Outpouring Hearts and Minds Through Literacy and English Proficiency

Outpouring Hearts and Minds Through Literacy and English Proficiency

                  Multitudinous states, both international and local choose learning English language. English is one of the most widely spoken language, therefore, it is also called the Universal language. Proficient and skilled uses of the English language enhance countless aspects which may lead an individual from a less matured one to a well knowledgeable person. If ideas or thoughts are to be expressed and communicated to others using the language in a right way, then it results an extremely effective communication, one reason why English should be developed worldwide.

                     English is considered one of the richest language in the whole wide world for it is used in several parts of the world. By studying this language, you can expect to be able to conduct transactions easily and can possibly pursue a good career because it tends to be the common currency. People who can speak English fluently have the greater privilege or opportunity. In finding for a job, literacy and proficiency in speaking and understanding English can lead one person at a perceptible beneficial feature. Although studying this language is provocative, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create a positive change and great opportunity. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together, English serves as a bridge for them to be able to communicate and understand each other. English language promotes oneness and unity- principles which may lead the whole world to a bright and improved one. The literacy of using English language represents the lifelong, intellectual process of gaining meaning from a critical interpretation and therefore we will be able to attain an act of expressing an emotion or feeling in a very powerful way.

                     Thoughts and feelings are to be expressed effectively by being literate and proficient in using the English language. Without this language, the world will be hopeless since each country has its own National language that only the native citizens can understand. Imagine the world without the Universal language, surely misunderstanding will take place.

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